1. American Tobacco Trail (New Hope Church Road Trailhead Park)

This 23-mile rail trail built on an abandoned railroad corridor stretches from the western edge of Apex passing through Wake, Chatham and Durham Counties on its way to Downtown Durham.

Address: 2575 New Hope Church Road, Cary, NC

2. White Oak Creek Greenway (Bond Park)

The White Oak Creek Greenway originates in Bond Park. It currently consists of segments of trail which result in a combined distance of 7.38 miles.

Address: 197 Bond Park Dr, Cary, NC

3. Black Creek Greenway (North Cary Park) 

Black Creek Greenway is one of the town's most popular greenways, extending 7.1 miles from Lake Crabtree to the White Oak Greenway at Bond Park.

Address: 1100 Norwell Blvd, Cary, NC

Source: carync.gov